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Tutorial Server Dedicat CS Source
cliCkDate: Vineri, 2009-07-31, 1:42 PM | Message # 1
Administrator SkyZone
Group: Administratori
Messages: 36
Status: Offline
----------------------Tutorial instalare server Counter Strike Source pe Windows XP--------------------

1) Windows XP, ME, 2000, 2003 Server (recomandat 2003 Server)
2) Vreo 3-4 GB Spatiu liber pe hard
3) Un Procesor de vreo 1-2 GHZ (depinde de cate sloturi vrei pe srv)
4) 512 sau mai mult Ram memorie
5) O conexiune la internet minim 125 kb (prin fibra optica recomandat)

Incepem prin a downloda HLDSUpdatetool de aici: http://www.speedyshare.com/255490741.html
Dupa ce termina de downlodat deschidem hldsupdatetool si il instalam in directorul dorit.
Intram in directorul in care l-am instalat si dam click dreapta pe hldsupdatetool.exe si ii dam “create shortcut”. Dupaia dam click dreapta pe Shortcut to HldsUpdateTool.exe si intram la proprieties. Si adaugam urmatoarele lucruri la target:
-command update -game "Counter-Strike Source" -dir .[inclusiv punctul (.)]
Dam dublu-click pe shortcut, asteptam pana downlodeaza tot (o sa dureze cateva ore bune)
Dupaia mergem in directorul un am instalat HLDSUpdatetool (respectiv unde sau downloadat si fisierele) si creem un nou document text in care scriem urmatoarele: @echo off
echo Protecting srcds from crashes.
echo If you want to close srcds and this script, close the srcds window and type Y depending on your language followed by Enter.
title SRCDS by DigitalZone
echo (%time%) srcds started.
start /wait /high srcds.exe -insecure -game cstrike -pingboost 1 +map de_dust +maxplayers 16 -autoupdate
echo (%time%) WARNING: srcds closed or crashed, restarting.
goto srcds
In codul de mai sus puteti modifica linia -insecure -game cstrike -pingboost 1 +map de_dust +maxplayers 16 -autoupdate cu setarile dorite. Salvam, si redenumi fisierul: New Text Document.txt in srcds.bat.

mytaDate: Miercuri, 2009-12-23, 10:45 AM | Message # 2
Group: Utilizatori
Messages: 11
Status: Offline
sunteti muci la sv =)) copy paste ma happy

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